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Formulating Fake Futures

Engels | 15-08-2023 | 48 pagina's


Paperback / softback

€ 14,95

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Tekst achterflap

Launching the series 'ArtEZ Press Essay Issues', this first instalment features feminist Nishant Shah, who argues that the idea of a future in crisis and future as fake pervades almost all our global and immediate dialogues. Whether it is climate change deniers, flat Earth advocates, anti-vaxxers, incels, men’s rights advocates, neo-Nazi supporters, or fascist states eroding democracy, these two aspects link them all together. However, if fake is not an absolute category and not an inquiry into the ontology of things, then perhaps we need to ask new kinds of questions, shifting our focus from whether things are fake or not to the ways in which we make space for various types of fake dogma.


EAN :9789491444999
Uitgever :Idea Books B.V.
Publicatie datum :  15-08-2023
Uitvoering :Paperback / softback
Taal/Talen : Engels
Hoogte :248 mm
Breedte :176 mm
Dikte :2 mm
Gewicht :120 gr
Status :Leverbaar bij onze leverancier
Aantal pagina's :48
Reeks :  ArtEZ Press Essay Issues